Bringing the Williamsburg brand under our care has brought a high level of excitement throughout our GOLDEN community. One would think that after 600 years of history, study, trial, and error, all that needs to be known about the oil media is already known — no space for discovery, argument or conjecture as to its … Read more
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Just Paint #24

With a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor, ASTM members often declare that its well-known acronym actually stands for “Awfully Slow and Tedious Method,” and if gauged simply from the standpoint of the time it takes to complete a Standard, one can see their point. The ASTM Standard for Acrylic Dispersion Grounds started 7 years ago, … Read more

The entire Golden Artist Colors’ Marketing Team and Technical Support Group, 15 of us in all, headed down to Art Basel in Miami. It was an incredibly inspiring trip and valuable to be able to share the insights and observations from the artists in our group as well as many of the artists we met … Read more
Mark Golden: Did you always want to be an artist? Scott Bennett: I was always drawing as a kid, and while I wasn’t sure when I was six years old that I wanted to paint, I always felt I would be involved in the arts. Mark: Was this encouraged by your parents? Scott: Yes, they … Read more
We have been debating the content of our Just Paint Newsletter, trying to define our direction as we move forward to champion the research, innovation and value of modern coating technology, especially the acrylic resin. Yet we are now also a company that manufactures one of the most beautiful oil paints in the world. Should … Read more
With thousands of hours of paint research all on one page and almost one thousand swatches of color, it’s now easier than ever to see the full range of GOLDEN colors. Having comparative information for each one as they transform through tint and glaze mixing on a 26″ tall by 39″ wide poster, makes this … Read more

It all comes down to stresses and strains of one sort or another. Almost everything about an oil painting will swell and contract, stiffen and flow, in response to the environment or physical handling. To make matters worse, the degree and nature of these changes will themselves change over time as the various materials undergo … Read more

Updated February 17, 2023 to ensure product accessibility accuracy. Make a mark, erase it? Can you? Is it permanent? Will it remain with stubborn pride? Will it all wipe away except for a stain that tells of its past? Will it disappear as if it had never been there? Was it ever there? Will it … Read more