From Mark Golden This past year I am reminded how quickly time is passing by. For over 25 years we’ve been publishing Just Paint. For 36 years Barbara and I have been graciously allowed to participate in the creative lives of so many talented artists. And to be able to call them our friends, has … Read more
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Just Paint #34

The doors of the Sam and Adele Golden Gallery opened on April 9th for the 4th annual Made in Paint exhibition, highlighting the works of last year’s artists-in-residence. Over 300 people attended the opening night with many more visitors stopping by to see the exhibition before it came down in August. Several of the artists … Read more
When Mark Gottsegen, a well-known educator and expert in artist materials, passed away in the Fall of 2013, an unbelievable amount was lost. Not least among them was AMIEN, the much beloved discussion forum on art materials that he founded. For Mark, AMIEN was his dream. From his desire to educate and provide real information … Read more
Dirt damages the beautiful surface of watercolor on paper, and ultraviolet light fades delicate washes. Watercolor paintings need protection when on display. Acrylic sheeting and art conservation glazing options have widened the choices beyond traditional framing behind glass. However, museum-grade UV non-reflective glass and acrylic glazing can be expensive and add weight when shipping artwork. … Read more
With the success of last year’s GOLDEN Educator Program, we couldn’t help but say YES to another year of partnership with the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers! Artists Isaac AlaridPease from Albuquerque, NM; Jessica Clark from Fairmont, NC; and Bryan Wilson from Charlotte, NC; joined us this summer for the Golden Artist Colors sponsored … Read more
Fortune is said to favor the bold. If so, when Kikuo Saito left Japan in 1966, at age twenty-seven, to take up residence in New York City, his bold and uncertain decision enjoyed Fortune’s broad and generous smile, and continued to do so for five decades of engagement, experimentation and development. Saito’s background in painting … Read more
Question: How often do they repaint the steel on the iconic Golden Gate Bridge? Answer: Every day, non-stop, repainting areas of corrosion (28 painters). Painting metal, especially metals exposed to variable environmental conditions is not something even our most advanced coating systems can stand up to over time, measured not in decades but in just … Read more
Mention a well-known pigment like Ultramarine or Cobalt Blue, and we instantly picture a very particular and unwavering color. And why not – it is easy to think of pigments as having characteristics that remain constant as one moves between different mediums such as acrylics, oils or watercolors. Even if we accept that the handling … Read more