A Paint Line With The Muralist in Mind

EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. Still Relevant by Ed Trask (@edtrask) courtesy of the Virginia Museum of History & Culture, Richmond, VA. Introducing Golden Paintworks Mural Paints  Our Art Materials Specialists receive and

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Tools for Texture

TOOLS FOR TEXTURE Textures from left to right: Golden Heavy Body using a cake decorating tool, Heavy Body with Molding Paste using a handmade burlap wand, Williamsburg with Wax Medium using a flat scraper, and Williamsburg using a wire brush. (NOTE: Once used as painting tools, kitchen utensils should not

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scre washers for attaching backing board

Backing Boards for Canvas Paintings

Backing boards are simple and wonderfully effective at protecting the condition of paintings. They are standard in painting conservation and have proven to significantly reduce visible aging. Installing backing boards can easily be done by artists themselves. Their benefits are many: Protection to impact damage from behind (tear, puncture, deformation).

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Unique GOLDEN Products You May Have Overlooked

Golden Artist Colors has created hundreds – if not thousands – of products since the initial startup in 1980. We tend to think of our acrylic-based materials as tools. Like most garages, sometimes a few tools go missing. Many times during our search for a specific tool we actually re-discover

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MONOPRINTING WITH OPEN ACRYLICS Using GOLDEN OPEN Acrylics allows lots of time to work on this easy, fun, and successful monoprinting process using gel plates. You can also create very inexpensive plates by using packets of dry gelatin. In this lesson plan we are using stencils cut from Yupo, but

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Monodruck mit OPEN Acrylfarben

MONODRUCKEN MIT OPEN ACRYLFARBEN Die Verwendung von GOLDEN OPEN Acrylfarben ermöglicht viel Zeit für dieses einfache, spaßige und erfolgreiche Monoprinting-Verfahren mit Gelplatten. Sie können auch sehr preiswerte Platten herstellen, indem Sie Päckchen mit trockener Gelatine verwenden. In dieser Lektion verwenden wir aus Yupo geschnittene Schablonen, aber sie können auch einfach

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PRINTMAKING Textured Monotype Plate Using GOLDEN Acrylics The combination of our new Color Pouring Medium Matte with various gels and pastes produces a level surface that retains textural qualities, making it an excellent option for creating a collagraph plate for monotypes Rotoscoping with OPEN Acrylics OPEN acrylics and gel printing

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ROTOSCOPING WITH OPEN ACRYLICS OPEN acrylics and gel printing plates are perfect companions for painterly printmaking. The slow drying time of OPEN and the gel plate’s excellent transfer ability offer tremendous creative potential. A stop motion animation is created by playing back a series of still frames, usually physically manipulated,

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Collagraphy w/Acrylics

Textured Monotype plate using Golden Acrylics Printmaking is the process of creating an image, texture, or mark through the transfer of ink or paint from a matrix (object from which the print is transferred such as a plate or block) to a material like paper, wood, or canvas. Collagraphy is

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