Cotton Fabrics (Wearables)
Cotton fabrics are a common surface for painted wearables. In order to avoid any unforeseen issues, it is recommended the shirt be laundered to remove any sizing or chemicals from manufacturing.
We do not recommend oil, watercolor, or drawing media on wearable fabrics.
Acrylics do not require any sizing or grounds and can be painted directly on the fabric. If a softer finish and increased launder-ability is desired, mix one part GAC 900 with one part Fluid Acrylics, then heat set.
Over time, all wearables will fade with wear and laundering.
Cotton Fabrics (Wearables)
Cotton fabrics are a common surface for painted wearables. In order to avoid any unforeseen issues, it is recommended the shirt be laundered to remove any sizing or chemicals from manufacturing.
We do not recommend oil, watercolor, or drawing media on wearable fabrics.
Acrylics do not require any sizing or grounds and can be painted directly on the fabric. If a softer finish and increased launder-ability is desired, mix one part GAC 900 with one part Fluid Acrylics, then heat set. More detailed information on painting fabric with acrylics can be found here.
Over time, all wearables will fade with wear and laundering.

About Brent DeLanoy
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