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Monoprinting with OPEN Acrylics ‐ Endless Exploration!

16 thoughts on “Monoprinting with OPEN Acrylics ‐ Endless Exploration!”

  1. Wow! I love this! I’m a monoprinter and love, of course, GOLDEN paint products. Is there a way I can “alter” the other acrylic paint products to use on the Gelli plates, or will only the “open” product work?

    • Golden makes a medium that I believe says”Open” on the label that you can add to regular acrylics. Adding a retarder will gives you something similar.

  2. Hi Misty, You can blend your GOLDEN Fluid and Heavy Body Acrylics with OPEN Mediums and that will increase the working time. However, you’ll lose pigment load (opacity) with the more medium that is added and it won’t remain workable for the same amount of time as the pure OPEN products would. If you have any other questions or would like to learn more, contact us in Technical Support at 1(800) 847-6154 or [email protected]

  3. I enjoyed your article. I would like permission to re post it on my website Monoprint-Monotype.com. I also think that your work would be a welcome addition to the site. Please feel free to contact me about more information.

  4. Very useful article. With regard to ‘wiping the plate’ (to conduct an intaglio style transfer with the gelli plate). Just use phone book paper (smooth lightweight mat paper) and then some white tissue paper. That will prevent one removing too much ‘ink’ from the incisions, grooves etc.

    One must keep the tissue paper completely flat whilst removing ‘ink’ from the plate. I suggest a look on YouTube to see artists wiping, their etched, collagraph or drypoint plates etc. That will guide you as to the ‘how to’.

    • The article addresses several different types of plates for printing. One type discussed are the metal plates (zinc and copper) and the other type are gel plates. For intaglio prints on zinc or copper plates you do use paper to wipe the plates down before printing them. Gel plates are completely different. The new synthetic gel plates work very much like the traditional gelatin printing plates. For gel plates you do not use paper to wipe down the plate. The two different types of plates are very different in the process leading up to printing. I am unaware of anyone who has incised a gel plate or used it in the style of intaglio, I am not sure using a gel plate like an intaglio would work or give a desirable outcome. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

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  6. Hello
    Unfortunately I have to use up other tubes of regular acrylics before buying golden open acrylics. Can you tell me what is the best golden retarder or gell to use to keep my acrylics open for monoprinting?

    • Hi Kate,
      You can increase working time of regular acrylics by mixing in about 20% Retarder or OPEN Thinner. Retarder is Fluid Acrylic consistency and should adjust dry times by about 15 minutes or so depending. OPEN Thinner is water thin, so will dilute most of our lines. This may be too much for some Monoprinting techniques. You can also use the OPEN Medium and OPEN Gel. These are very slow drying products and will provide working time when mixed with regular acrylics. They can be added in any amount. The more you add the more transparent the mixtures will become. Start with 20-25% and adjust from there. The OPEN Medium is Fluid Acrylic consistency. The OPEN Gel has the same consistency as the OPEN Paints, which is slightly softer than our Heavy Body colors. Let us know if you have any other questions by emailing [email protected]
      Best wishes,


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