Plaster has been decorated with paint since its earliest known usage back in 7500 B.C. Jordan. The rather simple mixture of lime powder, crushed limestone and water was used to achieve smooth walls for interior wall decoration. Ancient Egyptian builders employed calcined (heated) gypsum into their plaster, which improved the functional use. The duel use … Read more
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Michael Townsend
Large paintings present an increased difficulty level when it comes time to apply an “isolation coat” or a varnish layer. Spraying in lieu of brushing makes sense when a smooth, defect-free surface is desired. After all, there are reasons vehicles are spray painted instead of using a brush! While one may be receptive to the … Read more
An exterior mural is likely the most extreme test for lightfastness and weatherability of a paint system. One of our most popular Application Information Sheets, “Painting Exterior Murals” is the culmination of decades of experience and research. If you have never read it, please do. You will soon realize a mural is only as durable … Read more
High Flow Acrylic Applications: Airbrush The new GOLDEN High Flow Acrylics are an amazingly versatile paint! As one of the folks here in my earlier Research and Development days at GOLDEN, I spent countless hours conducting application testing of the Airbrush Colors, so I have to admit that the idea of a new paint line … Read more
Drying Rates of Acrylic Polymer Dispersion On most containers of commercial paints, primers and coatings, it is common for the label to provide a specific timeframe for the product to be dry. “Dries in 2-4 hours under ideal conditions.” “Dries to the touch in 30-60 minutes.” “Allow to dry 4 hours before re-coating.” So why … Read more
By: Michael Townsend The GOLDEN Digital Grounds, Gel Mediums and Archival Spray Varnishes have created options that will feel very familiar to photographers and are creating a platform for new alternatives for hands-on control of the final image. Many photographers have in the past been able to use the darkroom as an additional stage for … Read more
By Michael Townsend Over the last few years we at Golden Artist Colors have been hearing from more and more photographers who are experimenting with fine art materials. Through our conversations we began to learn about some new trends in photography. We were fortunate that three professional artists, that we have been working with, were … Read more
Prior to being launched, the new line of GOLDEN OPEN Acrylics underwent a battery of testing to assure it met our standards as a professional artist product. These tests gave us a vast amount of data about the properties of this unique paint and valuable knowledge regarding its working properties. This information helped us finalize … Read more
EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. By Mike Townsend The volume of e-mails and calls to our Technical Support Department reveals a consistent increase in the number of artists incorporating inkjet printing into their artwork. While some artists’ focus … Read more

The many considerations an artist will face when embarking on a mural project may be imperceptible to a casual viewer of these large, often public, artworks. There are many different types of murals and mural applications, and each type presents its own set of challenges. The muralist will want to ensure the mural’s integrity by … Read more