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Always Striving for the Best: The Introduction of Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium (PY154) & Benzimidazolone Yellow Light (PY175)

18 thoughts on “Always Striving for the Best: The Introduction of Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium (PY154) & Benzimidazolone Yellow Light (PY175)”

  1. Thanks for the nice article on yellow pigments based on Benzimidazolone. I came across this pigment quite by accident and I it is one of my favorites.

    Regarding the naming of your Benzimidazolone Yellow, The Rembrandt brand of watercolors by Royal Talens has a yellow consisting of PY154 and PO62 which they call Azo Yellow Medium. I assume the Azo is taken from BenzimidAZOlone. There are many reasons you might not want to follow this convention (perhaps it is trade-marked?) but the pigment market is confusing with out having two or three names for a single pigment.



  2. This is good news, and thank you for sharing. When will Golden Heavy Body PY154 and PY175 be available for sale? Also, the article was interesting in showing that PY73 and PY3, when mixed with medium/gel (glazes), were more light fast than when mixed with titanium white to form tints. Wonder if this comparison of glazes versus tints would affect the light fastness of other colors, such as bismuth vanadate yellow, diarylide yellow, or the earth yellows?

    • Hello Cynthia,
      Great Question! Bismuth Vanadate Yellow, as well as various earth yellows such as Yellow Oxide, Raw Sienna, and Yellow Ochre are very robust pigments and we have seen them provide very good lightfastness regardless of mixture or dilution with medium. Diarylide Yellow PY83 has two pigment forms, the opaque version HR-70 which Golden uses have very good light-fastness. In our testing we observed solid LF1 values both when mixed with Titanium white and let down with medium.

  3. When we buy the updated color blends online, my concern is that the online retailers will sell the older versions first. Is there anything that can be done to avoid that? Thank you.

    • Hello Julie,
      You are correct that retailers will sell through the previous versions first. In the near future if you specifically desire the update blends please contact Golden’s Customer Service Department.

  4. Thank you for this good article. Are these colours going to make their way into the Williamsburg Oil line?

    I know other paint lines like Rembrandt and Schminke already have these pigments available, so would be nice to have them in Williamsburg too for the greater lightfastness than the other Hansa Yellows.


    • Hello Richard,
      Thank you for your comments, when we tested PY3 in Oil paint we observed acceptable lightfastness in both masstone and tint, so we do not have any immediate plans change this pigment in Williamsburg. So please feel confident when using both Permanent Yellow Light and Permanent Lemon. However, tangentially it should also be mentioned that we did just introduce Bismuth Vanadate Yellow (PY184) in Williamsburg which is an amazing Inorganic yellow with a bright green masstone, excellent lightfastness, and fantastic opacity . If you wish to learn more about this and the other new colors in Williamsburg please read Greg Watson’s Article in the same edition of Just Paint

  5. Another quick question.. I can’t see the new pigments on the Golden Website yet? Do you know when there will be information about these on there and stocks available in the UK? 🙂

  6. Is Hansa Yellow Medium interchangeable with Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium on the Golden Paints Mixer? Getting some different results on the mixer exchanging Benzi for Hansa.

    • Hello Tim,

      They are different pigments, so there will be some slight natural variations in things like tint strength and color bias, but the Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium will be pretty close substitute for Hansa Yellow Medium. The Mixer is using data derived from our lab scans of color drawdowns to populate mixing results, so likely there will be some variation between the two. Hopefully it is pretty close and the trade off is that Benzimidazolone has excellent lightfastness. Let us know if you have more questions [email protected]



  7. Titania is know to be an active photocatalyst in UV light to degrade organics (dye, pigmet, paint etc) by oxidation. I think white titania paint can act as a catalyst resulting in photocatalysis leading to faster degradation, colour change. So it is not just a dilution effect making it easier to see the colour changes but also an additional degradation pathway. I have done research in catalytic degradation as a scientist.

    • Yes, this is a know aspect of uncoated Titanium White which is why Golden uses TiO2 with surface treatments designed to prevent photoactivity and significantly improve exterior durability.


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