Color Circle Split Primary

Defining Warm and Cool Colors: It’s All Relative

The concept of warm and cool colors has been written about for hundreds of years. Most theories start with the classic six point color wheel (three primary colors and three secondary colors). A dividing line splits the wheel into warm and cool. The line location varies based upon the reasoning

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Munsell Color System showing Hue, Value and Chroma

Munsell Notations for GOLDEN and Williamsburg Paints

It’s summertime and Munsell is in the air. Or at least it seems that way, given the increasing number of requests for various Munsell notations that have recently come our way. And if you happen to be new to Munsell, a widely used standard for classifying colors since its debut in 1905, not

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Made In Paint 2017

The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts is delighted to showcase the works of its 2016 Artists in Residence. The fifth Made in Paint show exhibits the works of Caitlin Albritton, FL, Ella Amitay Sadovsky, Israel, Miriam Ancis, NY, Lorene Anderson, CA, Mel Dion, PA, Martin Dull, NJ, Franklin

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Aesthetics of Varnishing Transparent Watercolor

This article briefly explores the permanent changes created by varnishing transparent watercolor on paper, in particular the aesthetic changes to color, value, texture, and sheen. Keep in mind that varnishing also changes the nature of the painting through the permanent addition of acrylic. While there are several approaches to varnishing

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Our White Gesso: “Same as it Ever Was”

You might have recently noticed that we updated our labels for Grounds, Mediums and Gels to aim for better clarity, accuracy and simplicity. While reviewing the labels, we decided to both standardize the descriptions of all of these products and double check the accuracy of the sliders which help convey

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Suggested Drying Times Between Acrylic Products

A common question we get is “how long should I wait before applying my next application of acrylic?” Actually, in most cases one can apply multiple layers at any time as this is one of the unique properties of acrylic products. It really doesn’t matter in terms of final film

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Paper Warping When Painting with Acrylics

When water is applied to paper, the fibers can soak up liquid and expand. This may create the infamous buckles and cockles that can be the bane (or joy) of those who paint with watermedia. This article reports on what happened when High Flow Acrylics and Heavy Body Acrylics were

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Painting with Oils on Paper

Editor’s Note: Added April 26, 2022 For some time, our recommendation for artists using oils over acrylic has been to work over harder, matte acrylic surfaces and avoid working on softer gels and gloss products. Our intention was to optimize the level of adhesion that would be achieved on a

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SID Testing of Various Sealers on Hardboard where we looked at how effective GAC 100. Polymer Medium, and BIN were when using OPEN and Regular Gel.

OPEN Acrylics, Shellac, and SID

In many ways this article is a continuation from an earlier one,  Waterproof India Inks and Shellac-based Primers, which focused mostly on the alkaline sensitivity of shellac-based india inks when used with acrylics. However, towards the end of the article we briefly looked at  Zinsser’s B-I-N®, a common pigmented shellac primer, to

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