Introduction In 2024 we introduced 13 pigment-containing watercolors to the QoR line and 8 Interference and Iridescent paints. We wanted a way to share the potential of these new colors with you in a manner that suggests what it might be like to have one or more on your palette. To provide this information, we … Read more
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Cathy Jennings
Numerous artists have asked about using acrylic mediums and gels to preserve dried organic materials, such as grasses and flowers. After one such phone conversation, we began our first test, which involved layering dry peony petals over and under thick layers of Soft Gel Gloss. The petals were from a blossom that dried in a … Read more
From its introduction, QoR offered three shimmery shiny special effect colors in tube format: Iridescent Pearl, Iridescent Silver, and Iridescent Gold. The summer of 2022, QoR added three Interference paints available in the “Reflective” six pan set: Interference Violet, Interference Blue, and Interference Green. The original three Iridescent watercolors are also part of this half … Read more
Neutral colors are those with little or no color saturation. Although often overlooked, neutrals play a vital role in the success of a composition. A neutral color is one without a strong chromatic hue. White, gray and black occupy the core neutral zone, and watercolor paints of these colors can be purchased. However, if we … Read more
We found a version of QoR Quinacridone Red’s PV19 pigment that creates a watercolor with a stronger tint strength and will begin using it in place of the older option. QoR Quinacridone Red remains Lightfast I, transparent, non-granulating, and staining. The two paints handle and behave well. Both versions of QoR Quinacridone Red are alike … Read more
5/26/21 Update: Following the publication of this article, a new supply of PR168 was secured and QoR Permanent Scarlet is available to order again. We are sad to announce that after October 31, 2020 we will no longer be able to offer QoR Permanent Scarlet watercolor, as the PR 168 pigment used to make this … Read more
Introduction When QoR Modern Watercolor was introduced to the painting world in 2014, we were so delighted with the color intensity and workability that we overlooked introducing the mediums and additives that were an integral part of the introduction of the line. So although six years later, we hope to make up for that neglect … Read more
For artists who push the boundaries of traditional watercolor, work in sizes large enough that framing is not practical, or just dislike the barrier created by glass, varnish is a valuable option for protecting their paintings.1 Varnishing is likely to alter color, value, contrast, granulation, and the appearance of the paper in a watercolor painting. … Read more
Whether your QoR mini needs a refill, or you wish to use QoR colors in your tried-and-true travel palette, QoR tube paints work beautifully in pans and half pans. Due to QoR’s modern formula, the dry tube paint will re-wet easily and provide the intense saturation or quiet subtlety expected of a QoR watercolor. We … Read more
QoR Masking Fluid is a ready-to-use, removable liquid made with natural latex which may be applied to watercolor paper or watercolor ground before painting. Once dry, the Masking Fluid will resist paint, allowing watercolor artists to preserve fine details and lines of white paper that might be difficult to paint around in traditional transparent watercolor … Read more