Using PanPastel Artist Pastels on Acrylic Grounds

PanPastel has been with us for over a year and it’s high time that we explore the many possibilities of the pastels over acrylics. PanPastel offers some unique application and mark making options, that can’t be achieved with our wet acrylic color and non-color products. That being said, GOLDEN products

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Can I use tape in mixed media works?

Tape is an immensely useful tool for artists and designers. It is a go-to option when masking off areas of a painting or establishing the layout of a design. Masking tapes and painter’s tapes are uniquely designed to offer low tack adhesion and easy release, making them perfect for these

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Wet Sanding Acrylics for Best Results

If you’ve ever sanded Gesso or other acrylic products and ended up with rubbery bits and had to throw out sheets and sheets of sandpaper and less than excellent results, then you should try WET SANDING! Wet sanding is the most effective way to sand acrylics. Adding water to the

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Encasing Natural Objects in Acrylics: Petals and Leaves

Numerous artists have asked about using acrylic mediums and gels to preserve dried organic materials, such as grasses and flowers. After one such phone conversation, we began our first test, which involved layering dry peony petals over and under thick layers of Soft Gel Gloss. The petals were from a

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WB LF Samples

Revising Artist Color Lightfast Standards

Current testing conducted by our Lab, led by Junior Formulator Trevor Ambrose, with the support of our Senior Formulator, Ulysses Jackson, has revealed the need to update the over 40-year-old ASTM Standards for Lightfastness of Artist Materials. While a good deal of anecdotal evidence has suggested that these standards have

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WB LF Samples

ASTM Lightfastness Testing for Oil Paints

Methodological Issues and the Effect of White Pigments on Fading Introduction Lightfastness is usually reported in a single word or number—a simple answer for artists questioning a color’s permanence. Although lightfastness ratings are straightforward, lightfastness assessment is actually fairly complex, and a variety of factors can influence both laboratory and

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Recent QoR Lightfast Testing

Introduction Our Lab, in conjunction with the Materials and Applications Specialists Department, recently updated the lightfastness testing for the entire QoR Watercolor line. Our testing methods employed a significantly expanded range of dilutions with water as well as incorporating, for the first time, tints with titanium white to more accurately simulate

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Are PanPastel Colors Nontoxic?

All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison. —Paracelsus, 1538 If just joining the community of Golden Artist Colors product line users, one might not know we avoid the term “nontoxic”. It implies an absolute guarantee, and

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