many artists lack a dedicated interior location for spraying products, much less using solvents. The logical choice is to move the operation outside. However, spraying out in the open creates new challenges to be addressed, including temperature, wind, rain, and dust.
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Archive | Varnishing Watercolor
EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. Mirjam Hintz completed her MA and Professional Doctorate studies in Conservation with a focus on painting from the University of Amsterdam. She is the newest member of our Materials and Applications Department, … Read more
This article briefly explores the permanent changes created by varnishing transparent watercolor on paper, in particular the aesthetic changes to color, value, texture, and sheen. Keep in mind that varnishing also changes the nature of the painting through the permanent addition of acrylic. While there are several approaches to varnishing watercolor, we only focused on … Read more