Is there a best orientation for stretching fabric and does this really make much of a difference for primed and painted canvas? Well, the general consensus is that the weft should be in the shortest dimension since it is the most reactive. But what is the weft, how can one recognize weave directions and what … Read more
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Mirjam Auf der Mauer
If you ever have a stroke of bad luck and accidentally punch or tear your canvas painting, don’t patch it up. Holes and tears in stretched canvases can happen and patches can seem like an easy fix but are not recommended. Likewise, adhering labels with information about the painting on the reverse is generally a … Read more
3D prints have become a much more frequently used and a more readily available medium for artists and sculptors. Desktop 3D printers are now affordable and online 3D printing services are available in abundance. Some filaments allow for full color prints, but particularly in smaller prints, the quality of these prints can lack detail and … Read more
“Nothing should touch the surface“ is our first advice for packing paintings. We recognize that there are a variety of robust crating and packing methods and materials for shipping paintings, but cost and accessibility can sometimes make those options out of reach for artists. In the following we want to share a simple and cost … Read more
Backing boards are simple and wonderfully effective at protecting the condition of paintings. They are standard in painting conservation and have proven to significantly reduce visible aging. Installing backing boards can easily be done by artists themselves. Their benefits are many: Protection to impact damage from behind (tear, puncture, deformation). This is not just for … Read more
MONODRUCKEN MIT OPEN ACRYLFARBEN Die Verwendung von GOLDEN OPEN Acrylfarben ermöglicht viel Zeit für dieses einfache, spaßige und erfolgreiche Monoprinting-Verfahren mit Gelplatten. Sie können auch sehr preiswerte Platten herstellen, indem Sie Päckchen mit trockener Gelatine verwenden. In dieser Lektion verwenden wir aus Yupo geschnittene Schablonen, aber sie können auch einfach aus Papier sein! WERKZEUGE/MATERIALIEN ■ … Read more
Every now and then we get emails from artists inquiring whether our paints are vegan. We love that and are happy to share information so artists can feel comfortable using our products without compromising on their principles. To start the discussion on the same page, here is a definition of the term ‘vegan’ by The … Read more
Gold leaf can be a wonderful addition to acrylic paintings, as it provides contrast in sheen and reflectance. We are often asked if it is possible to paint on top of gold leaf with acrylic paints and whether it is necessary to seal the gold leaf before doing so. The short answer is: intermediate coatings … Read more
EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. Mirjam Hintz completed her MA and Professional Doctorate studies in Conservation with a focus on painting from the University of Amsterdam. She is the newest member of our Materials and Applications Department, … Read more