Imagine if you will, the scene: the artist in their studio, clothing covered in paint, standing above, next to or on top of canvas laid upon the floor, fully animated and wild broad gestures halted by short deliberate movements; using their whole body to fill the enormity of the painting surface and capturing the physical … Read more
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Stacy Brock

The world of products that can be added to acrylics to modify them for many different purposes can be a strange and confusing place. We understand that they essentially look like white products in white jars with white labels and it can be hard to understand why we have so many and what each of … Read more

Introducing SoFlat Acrylic Colors SoFlat is our newest product line created in direct response to the artists we speak with every day to fulfill the desire for a matte, leveling and opaque paint. Flat in sheen and flat in application, these acrylics are bold, intense, luxurious, velvety and a joy to use! As Art Materials … Read more
We often get asked “What is the best way to paint on ceramics with acrylic paint?”. The question is usually geared toward painting unglazed pottery, but also sometimes glazed ceramics. We do not recommend our products be used on anything that will touch food, hold liquid or go into a dishwasher, so painting ceramics … Read more

Throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, we are dedicated to our service and continue to be available to answer questions and lend support for artists. We are still here; we are still available; we have just changed the environment in which we work. My name is Stacy Brock and I am the Supervisor of GOLDEN’s Materials … Read more
EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. Still Relevant by Ed Trask (@edtrask) courtesy of the Virginia Museum of History & Culture, Richmond, VA. Introducing Golden Paintworks Mural Paints Our Art Materials Specialists receive and answer over 10,000 questions a … Read more
The word “glaze” can have a very slightly different meaning whether you are painting with oils, acrylics or watercolor. In all three media, a glaze is a translucent layer of color applied on top of a base of other colors or an underpainting. This base layer could be a color field or imagery, as in … Read more
Artists like to paint on many kinds of surfaces and objects and with many types of media, but the surface or the paint may not be compatible. We understand that most people would not have standard cross hatch adhesion testers at home, so we would like to provide a way for artists to do a … Read more
Support Induced Discoloration or SID describes a phenomenon that can occur when the acrylic appears to change in color upon drying. It usually takes on a yellow, orange or brown tint, due to impurities in the substrate being drawn up into the acrylic film. The discoloration occurs while the paint or medium is drying and … Read more
You may have noticed the new labels adorning the bottles and jars in the GOLDEN Mediums, Gels, Pastes, Additives and Varnishes sections of the stores and online retailers. The new fresh look and new naming convention is our way of updating the look of our products, as well as making some of the names of … Read more