Every once in a while we receive inquiries from artists who use our products with Masterson Sta-Wet Palettes, a sealable palette system that keeps acrylic paints workable for days or even weeks by utilizing a wet sponge and permeable palette paper. Some of these artists shared that certain GOLDEN Artist Acrylic colors were changing consistency … Read more
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Scott Fischer
Tape is an immensely useful tool for artists and designers. It is a go-to option when masking off areas of a painting or establishing the layout of a design. Masking tapes and painter’s tapes are uniquely designed to offer low tack adhesion and easy release, making them perfect for these applications. That being said, some … Read more
Introduction Our Lab, in conjunction with the Materials and Applications Specialists Department, recently updated the lightfastness testing for the entire QoR Watercolor line. Our testing methods employed a significantly expanded range of dilutions with water as well as incorporating, for the first time, tints with titanium white to more accurately simulate how artists use watercolor. The … Read more

At GOLDEN, we want artists to be able to focus on creating without worrying about their materials. That’s why we put so much effort into ensuring that our products are of the highest quality. We believe that the key to creating the best art materials lies in rigorous testing and a commitment to performance. We … Read more
What is interesting about GOLDEN Artist Acrylics is that they all have unique properties that can modify our painting experience. Many of our product offerings have come out of a dialogue with artists who expressed their needs and each has been thoughtfully designed as a result. Since the catalogue of our products is vast, it … Read more
Genuine Indian Yellow was prized for its transparency, depth of color and mixing properties with notable applications in landscape painting. Its origin was and is still, a curiosity. Recently, a 19th c. sample of Indian Yellow pigment was generously donated to Golden Artist Colors by Brian Baade, Paintings Conservator and Assistant Professor of Art Conservation … Read more
When the opportunity presents itself, we always try to share results from testing being done at GOLDEN, especially when we think it would be of interest and benefit to artists. We know artists love Fluorescent colors and having recently revisited lightfast testing of our Heavy Body Fluorescents, we thought this would be a great way … Read more
With the advent of new composite materials, artists today are able to take advantage of lightweight, dimensionally stable supports that offer a smoothness unattainable through traditional surface preparation. These “modern” substrates require little to no preparation, come in a variety of thicknesses and can range from transparent and glossy to matte and opaque. Many of these supports … Read more

Color can be a complex and overwhelming subject, so in this article we hope to shed some light on the subject of neutralizing color, or toning it down without changing the color itself or its “color identity”. We will touch upon methods using White, Gray and Black, Complements, and how the Virtual Paint MXR can function as a helpful … Read more
Despite being discontinued, GOLDEN Stop-Out Varnish for Intaglio Printmaking has remained popular in many printmaking circles for being a non-toxic alternative to traditional asphaltum and lacquer-based stop-out varnishes. While we have no plans to bring this product back into our lineup, we wanted to share a simple recipe for interested printmakers and artists who want … Read more